darker bedroom flooring

Flooring colors to make a room look bigger [A Quick Guide]

Everyone has a color in mind when they think of the flooring in their home, but depending on the vibe you want the room to provide, some colors will work better than others.

One of these ‘room feelings’ is how large your room looks. Even if you’ve not got a lot of space to play with, you still want your room to look a bit big, right?

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the flooring colors you can use to make your room look bigger.

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Does light flooring make a room look bigger?

Yes, light flooring is often used to make a room look larger than it actually is.

When it comes to making a room look bigger, lighter colors are generally recommended for flooring.

Light-colored flooring creates an illusion of more space as it reflects more of the light that comes in through the windows (light colors reflect more light, and darker colors absorb more light – hence why dark colors are always hotter when in the sun!), making the room feel both brighter and more open.

If you’re thinking about light-colored flooring, here are a few options to consider:

Light hardwood flooring

Light-colored wood, such as oak or maple, will work well to make your room appear more spacious. Natural wood tones like these with a lighter finish will also add warmth to your space (an added plus!).

While hardwood flooring is very low maintenance and easy to clean, it is quite an expensive option. Which leads us on nicely to…

Light-colored laminate flooring

Laminate flooring comes in a variety of colors and finishes, but we recommend opting for lighter shades like light gray, beige, or pale oak.

Laminate flooring can be preferable when compared to hardwood flooring due to the cheaper cost, as well as the fact that they look extremely similar when seen from a distance.

Do bear in mind though that hardwood floors last a lot longer than laminate flooring does – you pay for the quality.

Light-colored tile flooring

Tiles in lighter shades such as off-white, cream, or light gray have the same effect on perceived room size that the previous two options do.

As well, with tile flooring you also have the option of a glossy finish, which can help with the reflection of light we mentioned earlier.

What effect does dark flooring have on a room’s size?

In contrast, dark flooring does not have same effect on how big a room looks as light flooring does.

That’s not to say that dark flooring makes a room look small, but it definitely doesn’t have as much of an impact as lighter options do.

That being said, if you are desperate for dark flooring, it can still work. Look to pair it with a light wall color, and you’ll get a similar room expanding effect (just not as much so as light flooring!).

Dark flooring does have its benefits though, and there’s several reason you may want to consider it for your room:

Cozy feel

Dark-colored flooring, such as a good quality dark hardwood, can create a brilliantly warm and cozy atmosphere, perfect for bedrooms of living rooms that you just want to cuddle up in.

And when paired with some gorgeous furniture and high-quality lights, dark flooring can be spectacular.

Lower maintenance

Dark flooring tends to be more forgiving when it comes to hiding dirt, dust, and scratches compared to lighter-colored flooring, simply because it’s harder to see!

This can be beneficial in high-traffic areas like your living room or kitchen, and it can be an absolute godsend if you have pets that shed all over your home or children that like to make a mess!


Most importantly, darker flooring has a timeless appeal and can withstand the countless and ever-changing design trends our modern homes go through.

It’s a staple item, much like a plain white t-shirt or a pair of blue jeans, and it offers a classic and enduring look that can seamlessly integrate with various interior styles, making it a long-lasting flooring choice for your home.

Top tips to make your room look bigger

You may be asking yourself ‘besides lighter flooring, what else can I do to make my room look bigger than it actually is?’.

Let’s look at a few options:

Let the natural light in

Maximize the natural light coming into your room by keeping windows unobstructed. You’ll also want to avoid heavy curtains or blinds that block light (the same ones that people often use to soundproof their room).

Instead, use sheer or light-colored window treatments that allow light to pass through while still maintaining privacy.

Use mirrors

Strategically placing mirrors in your room can help create an illusion of depth and space, and it’s such an easy addition to make!

Your best options will be placing mirrors opposite windows (to reflect the natural light coming into your room) or in narrow hallways to enhance how long the hallway looks.

We have a full article about bedroom mirror placement here.

Go for the minimalist approach

Embrace the minimalist design style that emphasizes simplicity and clean lines.

Remove any excess furniture or decorations that are not essential. A clutter-free and streamlined space will make your space feel more open and spacious.

Make use of the vertical space

Utilize the vertical space in your room to draw your guests’ eyes upward, making the room feel taller.

Floor-to-ceiling curtains, tall bookshelves, or vertical artwork will create the illusion of higher ceilings and add a sense of airiness to your room.

Upgrade your furniture placement

Our last tip is to arrange your furniture in a way that promotes an open flow and maximizes floor space. It’s simple tricks like avoiding blocking walkways, or not placing furniture against walls in a way that makes the room feel cramped.

Another tip is to choose furniture with exposed legs (as opposed to furniture where you cannot see underneath it), as this helps creates a visual sense of openness.

Frequently asked questions

Do dark or light floors make a room look bigger?

Light floors will make your room look bigger, while dark floors make the perfect addition to a smaller, more snug room.

If you absolutely must go for dark flooring however, don’t worry. If you want to make your room look larger, you can pair darker floors with light walls to add some depth to your room and make it appear that tiny bit larger than it actually is.


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