organising a small bedroom

How to Organise a Small Bedroom: A Comprehensive Guide

Picture the scene – you’re in your moderately-sized bedroom, surrounded by clutter, and all you can think is – how can I organize this room!? Well, you’re not alone (this is literally me right now!).

Your room is on the small side so splitting your room into two spaces is not really an option. So what do you do?

Don’t worry. In this article, we’ll look at some quick and effective ways to organise your small bedroom, backed by both research and real-life experience.

Let’s take a look.

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The Importance of Organising Your Bedroom

First things first, why should you even bother organising your bedroom? It’s a small bedroom to start with, so what’s the point?

Well, research has shown that a clutter-free environment can significantly improve your mental well-being, regardless of the size of your room.

As well, a study conducted by the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that the physical clutter around you competes for your attention, ultimately resulting in less performance and increased general stress levels.

Besides, it just makes intuitive sense, doesn’t it? An organised bedroom will make your daily routines quicker and more efficient. You’re not having to rummage through piles of clothes every morning to find your favourite shirt. You’re not having to scan your desk looking for that one thing you’re convinced you placed there earlier in the week (hint: you didn’t).

Sounds like a dream, right? But it’s a dream that can become a reality with just a tiny bit of effort and planning.

Planning Your Space

Before you start moving your furniture around, it’s crucial to have a plan.

Start by assessing your room and identifying what you need and use the most. Do you need more storage space? Or maybe you need a dedicated workspace rather than working on your laptop lying in bed, which inevitably leads to having pens, paper and books scattered on top of the bed?

Once you’ve identified your needs, you can start planning your space accordingly.

A good rule of thumb is to keep the things you use most often within easy reach. For instance, if you’re an avid reader, make sure your bookshelf is accessible from your bed.

This is exactly what I do – I read a lot of books, so I will always put my unread books on the top shelf and the books I’ve finished lower down. That way, I don’t have to remember the book I wanted to read next and then go hunting for it throughout my bookcase – it’s there waiting for me on the top.

This also then means the stuff you only rarely use can be stored away in less accessible areas, as you don’t need them that often.

Remember, every inch counts in a bedroom, even more so in a small bedroom. So, try to utilise vertical space as much as possible. Wall-mounted shelves, for example, can provide ample storage without taking up any floor space.

Decluttering: The First Step

Now that you have a plan, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

The first step in organising your small bedroom is decluttering. Read another way, this is getting rid of anything that you don’t need or use.

It might be tough to part with some items, but remember, the goal is to create a functional and clutter-free space.

Start by sorting your belongings into three categories: keep, donate, and discard. Be ruthless and honest with yourself during this process. If you haven’t used an item in the past year, chances are you don’t need it.

Once you’ve decluttered, you’ll be surprised at how much space you’ve freed up. Plus, you’ll have fewer items to organise, which will make the next steps much easier.

Remember – detach your emotions, and if you don’t use something, get rid. I’m a nightmare for not actually using something but keeping it because someone bought be it as a gift for my birthday last year.

It’s difficult, but it needs to be done.

Storage Solutions for Small Bedrooms

storage solutions for small bedroom

Now, let’s talk about storage.

In a small bedroom, smart storage solutions are your best friend. They’ll help you keep your room tidy and organised without compromising on style nor space.

A popular option is under-bed storage, usually in the form of drawers, boxes, or if you’re lucky enough to already have one, a bed with built-in storage. It’s a great way to utilise space that would otherwise go to waste.

Or you could also go for another fan-favorite: multi-purpose furniture. These are pieces of bedroom furniture like a desk with attached drawers, or a bookcase with a fold down table (my personal favorite!).

Remember, the goal is to create a functional space that suits your needs. So, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and come up with creative storage solutions.

Maximising Wall Space

When floor space is limited, look up!

The walls in your bedroom can be a goldmine for storage and organisation. Installing floating shelves or wall-mounted racks can provide you with extra storage space without taking up any floor area.

You can use these shelves to display your favorite books, photos, or small plants.

Not only will this help declutter your room, but it will also add a personal touch to your space. Remember, your bedroom is a reflection of you, so don’t be afraid to show off your personality.

Using Mirrors to Your Advantage

Mirrors are not just for checking your appearance – they can also be a powerful tool in making your small bedroom appear larger.

By reflecting the light in your bedroom, mirrors can brighten up your room and create the illusion of more space.

Consider placing a large mirror opposite a window to maximise the amount of natural light in your room. We’ve got a full article about the perfect mirror placement here.

Alternatively, you can also use mirrored furniture, such as a wardrobe or bedside table, to achieve a similar effect.

The Power of Color

color of bedroom makes a difference

Believe it or not, the color of your bedroom can impact how big (or small) it feels. And not just the color of the walls – even the color of the flooring can make all the difference, as we write about here.

Light colors, for instance, can make a room feel larger and brighter. So, consider painting your walls a light shade of blue, green, or even white.

On the other hand, dark colors can make a room feel smaller and cozier. So, if you prefer a more intimate atmosphere, consider using darker shades.

Lighting Matters

Good lighting can make a world of difference in a small bedroom.

Having the right lights will make your room feel brighter, larger, and more inviting. Whether that be a gorgeous floor lamp or the perfect pendant light, lighting matters.

During the day, let in as much natural light as possible. This will not only brighten up your room but also improve your mood and productivity.

And then at night, be sure to use a combination of overhead lights and lamps to create a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Don’t Forget About Your Door

Last but not least, don’t forget about your door!

It might seem insignificant, but your door can provide valuable storage space. Consider hanging a shoe organiser on the back of your door to store shoes, accessories, or even toiletries.

Alternatively, you can install hooks or a towel rack for hanging clothes or towels.

Remember, every inch counts in a small bedroom. So, don’t overlook any potential storage space, no matter how small.


Organising a small bedroom might seem like a daunting task, but with a bit of planning and creativity, it can be done.

Remember, the goal is to create a functional, clutter-free space that suits your needs. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different storage solutions and layouts!

So, what are you waiting for? Roll up your sleeves, get organising, and transform your small bedroom into a functional and stylish space. Good luck!

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